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Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης



Kalloniatis Christos
The PRIS methodology: incorporating privacy requirements during system design phase
Cilab Cilab 100% 10 E34 A major challenge in the field of software engineering today, is to make users trust the software that they use in their everyday activities for professional or recreational reasons. Trusting software depends on various elements, one of which is the protection of user privacy. In the context of this thesis, a new methodology, called PriS, has been proposed for the incorporation of the privacy requirements during the system design phase. A number of privacy process patterns have also been proposed for the purpose of better relating privacy affected processes with the respective implementation techniques. Finally, the formal model of PriS has been developed and applied on the e-voting case. A major challenge in the field of software engineering today, is to make users trust the software that they use in their everyday activities for professional or recreational reasons. Trusting software depends on various elements, one of which is the protection of user privacy. In the context of this thesis, a new methodology, called PriS, has been proposed for the incorporation of the privacy requirements during the system design phase. A number of privacy process patterns have also been proposed for the purpose of better relating privacy affected processes with the respective implementation techniques. Finally, the formal model of PriS has been developed and applied on the e-voting case. Turn on screen reader support To enable screen reader support, press Ctrl+Alt+Z To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press Ctrl+slashAnonymous Otter has joined the document.