CiLab’s Academic Portfolio

Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης



Kontara Despoina
Ψηφιοποίηση Δημοτικού Αρχείου Μανταμάδου 19ου αιώνα
A portion of the Municipal Archive of Mandamados - Lesvos, specifically related to notarial acts from the 19th and 20th centuries, was digitized. Specifically, a volume from the period 1894 to 1909, consisting of 1,000 pages and 947 notarial acts. The main reasons that made the digitization of part of the archive imperative were: a) to stop the deterioration caused by the use of the original document, and b) to achieve its public dissemination and make the search for its information easy for the general public through the creation of the Greenstone digital library, which was selected.